The inside of the book jacket for Thirteen Reasons Why pictures a replica of the map that Hannah leaves for each of the people named on her tapes. What does being able to visually trace Clay’s route through town add to your reading experience?
I think Being able to trace Clay's exact route enhances the story. In my head I can imagine a better view and understanding of where clay is at. I can see what kinds of places he is around and makes it easier to Picture the scene. Also when i am looking at the map it gives me a perspective on the distance between places he visits. and if he listens to a complete tape while walking from one mark to the next then i can know which tapes are longer and which are shorter. If i can see which are longer not just by the pace i read but the distance he travels I can infer which are more important tapes and which aren't. I also think Looking at the map drags me into the story. When I see some of the other marks that i haven't read about yet it makes me want to keep reading.
Nice reaction here! I'm glad that the map brings the story into a real context for you.