Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Individual post: Hannah's Feelings.

Quote: “ I wanted life to stay right there.. on pause.” This occurred when Jenny ( The cheerleader) saw Hannah walking by herself and asked her for a ride. Hannah decided that she was just going to get a ride from her. About 5 minutes later, Jenny the driver crashed into a stop sign. Hannah stood there shocked about what just happened. her feelings told her that Janny might be drunk. Jenny told her to get out of the car. She did after they started arguing for a long time. Jenny eventually made it home. Hannah just stood there, No muscles moving, by herself. She felt like just rolling up to a ball and cry in the little drizzles of rain. She wanted life to stay right there.. on pause. Her feelings for Jenny was indescribable.

Hannah's Voice?

Discuss the role that the presence of Hannah’s voice plays as a physical presence on the tapes. Is the impact the tapes have  different from the impression a suicide note would have left? Why do you think she recorded and left the tapes? If her story had been recorded on CDs or MP3 files would the effect have been different?

Hannah’s voice has a different effect because she is telling the story. She being the narrator of her story you know this is actually her side of the stories. From being on a cassette tape i think there is a reason its on a cassette tape. The only effect if it was on a CD or Mp3 is on the listener. Hannah’s voice helps understand more about her and a suicide note doesn’t have the feelings and emotion that her voice does. Also she can get more detail in than a note prolly would.


I meet your eyes you don’t even see me you hardly respond when i whisper hello could be my soulmate two kindred spirits maybe we’re not I guess we’ll never know my own mother you carried me in you now you see nothing but what I wear people ask you how i am doing you smile and nod don’t let it end there.
        This mean that  she think her mom just don’t  be there for only to see what she is wearing and when people ask about her she don’t say word to them about how she doing or she change the topic on  them. I  know someone who always ask about how their friend doing but the parent alway try to change the topic or something

Hannah and the rumors

During Jessica’s tape, Hannah says, “. . . you would rather believe some made–up rumor than what you knew to be true . . . It was easier to accept. Easier to understand. For [you], the rumors needed to be true.” What does Hannah mean by this? How can the truth sometimes be more difficult to confront than a lie? Discuss the author’s use of the word “need” in the above quotation. How does this particular word choice impact the meaning of Hannah’s sentence? Rumors need to be true in order to spread it there has to be truth behind it. The truth is sometimes harder to confront then a lie because sometimes the truth is just too hard to tell you don’t want to hurt them because sometimes you can’t handle it. So you make up a lie so they aren’t getting hurt. When you lie its bad because now they believe in something different other than the truth. Hannah got hurt because rumors just can really hurt somebody especially if they get around it’s just hurting them more and more. and it just gets out of control where they can’t do anything. It impacts because the truth always is hard to accept but when you lie its easier because it is easier to accept because you know the truth.

The long term effects of bullying.

This quote shows the effects of long term bullying because when you affect someone's life, you don’t always realize it, when you don’t realize it you keep pushing and doing what you’re doing. While you’re making fun of someone and that person acts like it doesn't bother them, the bully is going to think that it doesn't bother you and keep doing it. In the book, Hannah was being bullied through rumors, she didn't tell anyone that they were bothering her or that they weren't true so the people making the rumors kept going. The long term effect of those rumors and the repercussions of those rumors was the suicide of Hannah Baker. The people making those rumors had no idea that they had that much of an effect on Hannah. Another example is my life experiences, I have been bullied throughout my life and the words of others have had an effect on me as a person, I've stayed home from school because I knew what was waiting for me when the day would begin. I knew all of the backhanded comments would be there when I walked through the halls, when I sat down for class or lunch... I knew that because of one rumor I would be the laughing stock of the entire class, I know that there will always be bullies no matter what but when people that I didn't know would attack me with words that harmed me personally, that had a major effect on my life. In my opinion the long term effects of bullying never go away, no matter how hard you try. Bullying has always been a sensitive topic for me because I go through it almost everyday, its hard to talk to anybody, its hard to be happy. Bullying makes it hard to be yourself. My bullies didn't and still don’t know how much of an impact they have on my life, and the lives of others, they keep pushing, not because I’m afraid to tell them to stop but because I know that it won’t help. People enjoy hurting others, its almost like a game for them, they find it challenging to tear a person down. Bullies are everywhere, they just don’t know how much of an impact they have on the lives of others, they don’t realize that they have this person practically wrapped around their finger, so the keep pushing until they get a reaction out of them... or they keep pushing until its too late.

Hannah and the Rumors

Discuss the phrase “The truth will set you free.” How does this apply to the story Hannah tells? Does truth really gift freedom? Is there power in knowing? Is there always peace in knowledge? In Hannah’s story she speaks of all the rumors that are not true. People believe the rumors and she has a bad reputation from it. If everyone who believed the rumors knew the truth than Hannah would have been “set free” but since so many people believed the rumors she killed herself. She was not set free. Hannah locked herself up in death and will be stuck there forever. But the truth would’ve set her free and she wouldn’t have killed herself. Only the people on the tapes know the truth know. They were the ones who caused the truth to turn into rumors. They know Why she killed herself. But knowing the truth now doesn’t mean anything to Hannah because she’s no longer alive. There was so many things and actions that made the truth about hannah disappear. Truth does gift freedom, because if everyone knew the truth about Hannah then no one would have a problem with her. If the truth isn't always good then it doesn't always result in peace. In Hannah’s case yes the truth would’ve brought peace. If the truth was bad in someone else's story than it may not bring peace. But for Hannah she wasn’t set free and is locked up now.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Group Post

I was just surprised at what Marcus did to Hannah when they went to Rosie’s and left her broken down and hurt. Why would he ask her to go out if he’s just going to end up hurting her. When he didn't have to ask her out in the beginning. Marcus had her laughing at one point and practically crying at another. He cut her deeper than he thought he had and I was surprised about it. He seemed to genuinely like her and then he left her broken. I am in absolute shock! When I found out that Zach was on the list I was... confused, they were friends in the beginning, at least I thought they were, until I found out what he did to Hannah. What he did to Hannah was not okay, he took away something that could have helped her in the long run. When I found out that he was stealing the notes from Hannah's paper bag I felt that he was one of the major reasons she killed herself. He was taking away her encouragement. While he was taking the notes, Hannah was going downhill fast. She couldn't quite piece everything together, until she actually thought about it. Marcus treated Hannah terribly and she did not deserve that. Zach only came to her because he thought maybe he could get the Hannah from the rumors... but really that is all that they were. She felt betrayed by someone she thought she knew. Zach thought that by taking the notes he wouldn't affect her so much, but he did. He was taking away her encouragement, her confidence. After figuring out that Zach was the one taking the notes, she set him up to be caught. I was actually kind of proud of her. She was beyond hurt now, I feel this is all she needed to be sent off the edge and she did. She had all the warning signs and he is one of the reasons Hannah ended up dead. I can’t wait to keep reading on!! These pictures show that Hannah was willing to put her trust in people and in the end they took control of that, she ended up getting hurt and once she was hurt she was afraid to put trust in people and that takes a long time to earn that trust back.